5 Women Arrested in Carjacking

Thursday, June 19, 2008


For the past several years, I have had a strong interest in forensic science and criminal investigation. However, two years ago I also developed an interest in trying to come up with tangible explanations for why women commit crime.

There is a vast amount of research that hypothesizes why people, in general, commit crime, but only a small to moderate amount of research has been conducted to explain why women commit crime. Some experts have gone as far as saying that there is no need to identify the primary factors that contribute to female criminality, despite the emotional, psychological, and of course, the biological differences between men and women. I do feel that there is a strong need to study women's criminal behavior because it will help us to improve current procedures in dealing with crime; it will also help us to gain a better understanding of crime itself. In doing so, hopefully we can develop solutions to the various problems that generate female criminality and eventually, implement prevention tools to thwart these problems before they emerge.

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