5 Women Arrested in Carjacking

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Mothers in Prison

Regardless of which theory experts use to explain the increasing numbers of women serving time in U.S. correctional facilities, the consequences remain the same. Women represent the fastest growing segment of the rapidly expanding U.S prison population and approximately four out of five incarcerated women are mothers. Two-thirds of these women have children under the age of eighteen. In September of 2005, there were an estimated 513,000 children in foster care.

It is clear that children are greatly affected when their mothers are incarcerated and many suffer from feelings of guilt, anger, fear, grief, rejection, shame, and loneliness. Studies done on children with incarcerated parents have shown that these children often demonstrate poor school performance and increased aggressive behavior In addition to the loss and instability that the incarceration of their mother creates, numerous children may become more susceptible to things such as poverty, physical or sexual abuse, or witnessing violence. Even though women make up a smaller percentage of our inmate population, it is important to study this group because women play a crucial role as mothers in the lives of the next generation.

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